Australian Omega-3 DHA Brain Supplement  

NeuroSpark® medication provides a completely natural source of omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Your brain needs sufficient dietary omega-3 DHA throughout life to function at its optimum.
NeuroSpark® may help to maintain brain health, support cognitive function, maintain mental clarity, focus and concentration, support memory and mental recall and relieve and reduce symptoms of mild anxiety.


NeuroSpark® is a clean, natural source of omega-3 DHA

The natural fish oil in NeuroSpark® capsules is from tuna sourced in the unpolluted southern Pacific Ocean and has the highest naturally occurring levels of omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). NeuroSpark® is tested on the most sensitive instruments to ensure no heavy metals and man-made PCB's or other contaminants are present. NeuroSpark® is not reconstituted to artificially concentrate omega-3 DHA levels.
NeuroSpark® capsules are a totally natural source of omega-3 triglycerides. Omega-3 DHA is not an individual molecule, rather it is a fatty acid chain as part of a triglyceride. Artificially altering the omega-3 DHA concentration alters triglyceride structures and potentially impacts the bioavailabilty to the brain. In NeuroSpark®, the triglycerides have not been reconstituted through molecular-distillation to achieve a higher omega-3 concentration. NeuroSpark® provides unmodified, totally natural tuna oil with a naturally high concentration of omega-3 DHA.
NeuroSpark® is only available to buy in Australia.

Why your brain may benefit

The brain – your most vital organ

Your brain is the most vital organ in your body, it controls your thinking and memory and is connected to all of your body functions. Although only 2% of your body’s weight, your brain demands 25% of your energy and is very selective of the nutrients it needs.
The brain has a very high concentration of omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), ten times the level in the blood. Omega-3 DHA is needed to support and maintain optimal brain health throughout life.
The brain is very selective and structurally requires omega-3 DHA not EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). NeuroSpark® has more omega-3 DHA than EPA, in a similar ratio to that which the brain requires.

Omega-3 DHA – 'the lost nutrient'

The body requires omega-3 from our diet. Unfortunately, Western-style diets have reduced, rather than increased, the omega-3 content. There is now 50 per cent less omega-3 DHA in our diet than we had 60 years ago; farming practices and changed food preferences mean we eat less free-range meat, fish and offal in our diet, and faster production means less time for omega-3 DHA to accumulate in the meat and fish products we do eat.
Vegetarian sources of omega-3s, such as flaxseed oil, do not contain any omega-3 DHA. Oily fish is the best natural source of omega-3 DHA, however consuming more than two serves of larger oily fish like swordfish, trevally or mackerel per week can be risky due to possible contamination by heavy metals and pollutants that build up in the flesh of the fish as they age.  With farmed salmon, omega-3 levels depend on the quality of the feed they are provided, and most now have moderate levels of omega-3. White fish, such as bream, flathead or dory, have low levels of omega-3. You require approximately seven serves of white fish per week to provide the dietary level of omega-3 recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Product information

Each NeuroSpark® capsule contains 130mg of omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) – the longest and most unsaturated (i.e. the most flexible) fatty acid chain in the body.
NeuroSpark® capsules are enteric coated to protect the contents from light and oxygen degradation and stomach acid breakdown, eliminating unpleasant fishy-tasting repeats.

Dosage recommendation

We recommend two capsules (260mg of omega-3) each morning for general brain health; three capsules if you are pregnant or breastfeeding; or as directed by your health care professional. This low-dose regime is within the guidelines recommended by the World Health Organisation (200-500mg omega-3 per day).
Recommended for adults and children 12 years and over (as young children can find capsules difficult to swallow).

NeuroSpark® may benefit your brain health

Mild anxiety

Mild anxiety is a common experience. Mild anxiety may appear to come from nowhere, and can cause an increase in the body's 'fight or flight' neurotransmitter response. For most people, the brain's thought processes rationalise and quickly dampen this response, but for a few it lingers far longer. Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) is intimately involved in neuronal activity and helps to balance the activity level of different neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine). This balancing act may help to steady emotions and reduce mild anxiety to manageable levels.
NeuroSpark® can help relieve and reduce the symptoms of mild anxiety.

Memory and recall

The brain forms memories by creating new and strengthening existing connections, also called synapses, between neurons. Omega-3 DHA is required by the brain to make and maintain these synapses in order to support new memory formation and recall.
Adding NeuroSpark® capsules to your supplement regime may help to increase the brain's omega-3 DHA levels and therefore support memory and mental recall.

Focus and clarity

Lack of focus and reduced clarity of thought (or foggy brain) may be a sign that the brain is struggling to perform at its optimum. Foggy thinking may be improved with additional dietary omega-3 DHA.
Each NeuroSpark® capsule contains 130mg of omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Supplementing with two capsules of NeuroSpark® daily can help to maintain mental clarity, focus and concentration and support cognitive function.

Learning and processing

To learn, the brain needs to create new connections between neurons by building new synapses. Synapses hold the neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, and therefore more synapses between neurons in the brain allows for more neurotransmitters and may improve learning. Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) helps balance the activity of different neurotransmitters, and is crucial for the brain to build and maintain synapses.
NeuroSpark® capsules are a totally natural source of omega-3 DHA, and can support cognitive function.

Brain health

Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) is a major structural component of the brain and is important for optimal brain performance. It's needed in our diet throughout our life to maintain and support brain health.
Adding NeuroSpark® to your diet is a convenient way to provide dietary omega-3 DHA, and may help to increase levels of omega-3 DHA in the brain to support and maintain brain health throughout all stages of life.

Brain function

The brain is very selective of the nutrients it allows through the blood-brain barrier, and requires omega-3 DHA as a structural component of the brain. Omega-3 DHA is the only omega-3 retained by the brain and it plays a vital role in many cellular functions involved with normal brain functioning and general health.
NeuroSpark® capsules have high levels of natural omega-3 DHA and supplementing with NeuroSpark® can help to support cognitive function and maintain mental clarity, focus and concentration.

Buy NeuroSpark®

Get in touch learn more about NeuroSpark®

For more information regarding NeuroSpark®, we urge you to reach out to our friendly team. We’re passionate about helping people be their best selves. Feel free to call us on 03 9813 1552 for a confidential chat, or email us at